Sunday 14 September 2008

I have attached a picture of what I look like. This was taken at the end of a four month trek across a mix of deserts, shrublands and plains.. Was in the dry season so quite a lot of dust in the air. This is also why I am not smiling in this picture.

In case you're wondering, the picture is taken on the outskirts of a small town called Qhi'nu*Kjh. Do not ask me to pronounce that name. I have enough problems with the ' and * sounds, let along how to pronounce Kjh. All I know is they had bath houses, spas, and lots and lots of fresh water. And well trained slave girls who were quite expert when it came to full body massages, scrub downs and the like.

Anyway - not smiling in this picture. You try walking around in >30° C temperatures (86F), sand and dust flying everywhere, bloody annoying tiny insects getting into every imaginable (and unimaginable I might add with a rather annoyed face) orifice. Tiny insects who's only purpose seems to be to leave semi permanent colours on everything they touch. Usually I have a fairly clean smile. Not Colgate white like those zombies from Hollywood, but a nice, clean, natural white smile. After two weeks in that gods forsaken area I had purple teeth. Purple.

Try to imagine a sort of flourescent Barney colour. Purple! Then have that stain your teeth, unable to get it out for several months, having to get a dentist to bleach your teeth four times to get the colour out. Four times! If I had known that before this picture was taken, I'd be angry in that picture instead of just annoyed.

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