Saturday 13 September 2008

Physical description

Quite often in my dealings with others, there have been some incorrect assumptions about me, my size, weight ... all that stuff.

So, let's break out the rulers.


First of all - my height.

Barefoot, straight back I stand 198 cm tall (6' 6" for those from the US).

My "wingspan" is 208 cm (6' 10")

I weigh 105 kg (231 lbs) which, technically, makes me overweight, but since I am very well trained, the 12 or so kg of fat I'm carrying around is quite acceptable.

My chest is 108 cm around (3' 7"), my hip is 98 cm (3' 3")

Generally speaking I am a big guy.

I even wear a size 48½ shoe (14), and you all know what you say about guys who wear big shoes, right? We have big feet.

This, of course, brings us to "it". Mr. Johnson. The One Eyed Wonder Worm. The Blue Cyclops. My cock. I feel I must dispell quite a lot of rumours about its size. Most of these seem to stem from women not being entirely certain how to measure, not having a proper sense of size etc. Much of this is obviously because the boys they've played with earlier have no idea how to measure, or are entirely too embarrased and insecure to actually want them to know.So - girls, women and boys - here's the proper way to measure the size of a cock:

  1. Make sure the guy is standing upright
  2. Make sure it's fully errect - or as errect as it can get. Pull the foreskin back (if there is any)
  3. Measure from the upper part of the root (the side closest to the belly button). We only want usable length.
  4. Bend the cock (or lift it) to horizontal (or as close as it will go). Measure the distance from the root to the tip.
  5. Don't pull on it, etc.

This gives you the usable length of his cock. Some will pull on it to make it look longer, but that has no real effect - it's not like she'll be able to feel that illusion later on anyway. In fact there's a very nice guide for it here.

As for mine - it's 16.8 cm long (6.6") and 15.2 cm in circumfrence (5.98"). That's slightly longer than average, quite a bit thicker than average. But, guys, want to know a secret? You know who Ron Jeremy is, right? His cock is WAY bigger (24.8 cm/9.75") and his rather candid thought on the subject is, to the best of my memory: "I've gotten more girls off with my tongue than my cock". It's not about what you have between your legs - it's about what's between your ears. You cannot give a girl an orgasm without using your brain, nor without using hers.


I have rather fair skin and hair. This doesn't always show though. Not all my wanderings allow me ready access to bathing, and with lots of dust in my hair I will seem to have very dark hair. Dirt and gime will, of course, give me a rather tanned look as well.

I have several scars. I say several because I have no idea just how many I have. I have a nice mesh on my back that were made with a cat o' nine tails with small metal tallons on the ends.

I have at least thirty stab wounds that I can see, but I don't remember how I got more than seven of them.

I've been gored twice, on two difference occations - you'd think I'd have learned not to taunt a bull the first time.

I'm supposed to have some burn marks on my back, but I can't really verify that on my own. Some of them round as if made by cigarettes, some of them in odds twisty waves as if burned by a liquid. I cannot remember getting any of those.

I'll refrain from commenting on my usual outfit for now. Parts of the outfit are worthy of an entry on their own.

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